Tales of my Adventures

    • Can You Imagine the Honour, privilege and excitement of judging Madison Square Gardens in a Top Hat and Tails as a Canadian. The next day I was home at the end of the manure pile after mucking out!! What a life.



    • Applauded in Iowa

    • It was one of the first American horse shows that I judged, and I was hired by Shirley Beachler. I was confident in what I did, but it was a big American show, hoping to get through it,
    • It’s a thankless job, expected to do the job efficiently and well, but no feedback.

      However, I was called over at the end, just before going to the airport, with the announcer calling me over to his booth, (OMG what have I done wrong? was my immediate thought, yikes)

      As I went over there I noticed the bleachers were still full of people at this show, exhibitors, trainers, and riders, etc.

      "We have something for you", OK, ( I thought to myself). We have a spokesman for the group in the bleachers, so a person with the microphone stood up and said "I want to thank Randy Roy for officiating at our horse and doing a fabulous job", I was shocked and incredibly thankful, this was so important since it  was at the start of my career.